Face your Fears Challenge

  • Explore the root of your fears and insecurities, and become comfortable with how they make you feel.
  • Interactive worksheets to help you conquer your fears.
  • Cognitive behavioral activities to help you regulate your emotions, so that you are finally able to overcome your fears and insecurities.
  • Create a “Fear ladder” where you identify specific fears and activities that you will target during the challenge.
  • Read about real life inspirational stories, to motivate you to take action.
  • Calming exercises which help you manage your stress and anxiety.

Do you need motivation and accountability to face your fears head on?

How this 30 day challenge Can Help You Achieve Your Dreams

  • Scared of launching your business? Identify the obstacles and fears which are holding you back, and face them head-on during the challenge.
  • Afraid of dating? Confront your insecurities and self-doubt so that you are finally able to create the kind of relationship that you have always dreamed of.
  • Want a promotion at work, but are hesitant to ask for it? Figure out what is preventing you from asking for a raise, and gradually build yourself up so that you are finally able to ask for what you deserve.
  • Do you feel nervous in social settings? Use gradual exposure to increase your confidence and supercharge your social skills.

Challenge your insecurities

to be inserted – text about why the fastest way to success, happiness and confidence is facing your fears head on.
  • Scared of launching your business? Identify the obstacles and fears which are holding you back, and face them head-on during the challenge.
  • Afraid of dating? Confront your insecurities and self-doubt so that you are finally able to create the kind of relationship that you have always dreamed of.
  • Want a promotion at work, but are hesitant to ask for it? Figure out what is preventing you from asking for a raise, and gradually build yourself up so that you are finally able to ask for what you deserve.

Stop letting your anxiety control your life

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