Kindness for successful relationships

30 Day Kindness Challenge for Him

  • Week 1
    • Day 1 : The Challenge Begins
    • Day 2 : Do the household chore that she always does
    • Day 3 : Let her have some “me time”
    • Day 4 : Do something she loves
    • Day 5 : Surprise her
    • Day 6 : Leave her a sweet note
    • Day 7 : Make Breakfast for your wife
  • Week 2
    • Day 8 : Listen to her concerns
    • Day 9 : Make her a card
    • Day 10 : Give her a massage
    • Day 11 : Give her a compliment
    • Day 12 : Be Affectionate 
    • Day 13 : Encourage her with words of Affirmation
    • Day 14 : Give your time 
  • Week 3
    • Day 15 : Surprise her with Flowers
    • Day 16 : Reflect on the last 15 Days
    • Day 17 : Get her Favorite drink or make it
    • Day 18 : Remember the first time you met
    • Day 19 : Do something to make her laugh
    • Day 20 : Be spontaneous
    • Day 21 : Communicate
  • Week 4
    • Day 22 – Be Non-Judgmental
    • Day 23 : Give her something small that she would be surprised to Receive
    • Day 24 : Compliment her personality traits
    • Day 25 : Bring home a treat
    • Day 26 : Tell her what she means to you
    • Day 27 : Read to her
    • Day 28 : Take her out for a drive
  • Week 5
    • Day 29 : Make her a promise
    • Day 30 : Make the 30th Day Special

Introduction to our 30day Kindness challenge for Him

Our 30 day kindness challenge for Him is designed to help improve relationships.

This challenge is specifically catered to becoming a kinder husband or boyfriend. Every day for the next 30 days you will have 1 small act of kindness to perform for your partner.

What’s included in the 30 day Kindness challenge

  1. Daily activities to help you reconnect with your wife.
  2. Daily tips on how to perform each activity.
  3. A 30-day Kindness Calendar.
  4. Kindness quotes.
  5. Kindness quotes to motive you.

How to complete the 30-day Kindness Challenge

  1. Start by enrolling in the free 30 day kindness challenge (you can log in through Google and enroll today).
  2. Take some time looking at each individual activity so you know what the next 30 days consist of.
  3. Plan ahead of time or the day before so you are not struggling on the day.
  4. Once you have completed each activity – mark it as complete.
  5. Have fun and do it with sincerity.

Who should complete the 30-day kindness challenge

This challenge is designed for anyone who wants to improve their relationship with their spouse or partner.

Each activity has a kind deed that you can perform to brighten up your partner’s day.

If you are looking for ways to reconnect – this is a great challenge that will certainly help.

What is kindness?

Kindness is the quality of being kind, giving, and considerate towards others and ourselves.

Kindness has several different attributes and qualities which we can develop so that we can offer more to the world.

Benefits of the 30-day Kindness Challenge

The 30-day kindness challenge is said to improve your relationship and have an impact on your overall health and happiness. As you are kind to others especially your wife you will notice an improvement in your overall wellbeing and feel more positive about everything.

Studies have shown that random acts of kindness have been said to reduce blood pressure and improve heart health.

Kindness is contagious.

When you are kind to others it inspires others to pay back in return. Therefore if you make the effort of doing random acts of kindness for her. For example, making her morning coffee or writing her love notes. You will notice a change in her behavior towards you and she will want to return the kindness

Kindness creates positivity

When you show kindness to your partner it will make your relationship more positive and loving. Kindness has so many attributes that you learn to empathize with the other person and accept them as is. You recognize the positive in your partner and vice versa.

Kindness brings you closer

Kindness is important in relationships because it allows you to get closer. When you are kind to your partner, you are able to accept them for who they are and want the best for them.

You are more likely to empathize with your partner when you are kind, which sends out positive vibes in your relationship and in turn makes it stronger. Kindness in a relationship also often motivates people in the relationship to do things for their partners because they want to make them happy and feel valued.

Other 30 day Kindness tips for him

Think positively about your partner

If you think positive thoughts about your partner, it will change your behavior towards them. You will notice a change in your tone and attitude towards them. Eliminate all the negative thoughts you have about them and replace them with good ones.

Throughout the day remind yourself of the good things your partner has done in the relationship. Try to recall why you fell in love with her and recall those qualities.

If you notice them do something kind for you or anybody, write it down in a journal as a positive attribute.

As you begin to do these things, you will start to see your partner in a more positive light. You will notice things you perhaps wouldn’t have earlier.

Appreciate her

When you appreciate your partner, she will feel more loved and cherished. Saying how much you appreciate your partner reminds them how much they matter to you.

Appreciate her for the little things that she does –

Before you can be kind to your partner, you need to put yourself in their shoes and try and understand how much better you would feel if she appreciated the little things you do.

How to appreciate your partner

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is an important element of improving any relationship. Try being specific and thanking her for everything she does for you and the house. Thank her for coming into your life. Try to think of all the things you should thank your partner for. You can also join our 30 Day Gratitude Challenge for including Gratitude in your daily life.

flat lay photography of coffee latte in teacup on table

Give her random gifts for no reason

Give her a gift for no reason. This could be anything from a note to a keychain just because you want to show her that you appreciate all the little things she does for you. If this is not your style of expressing your love, give her flowers randomly or cook dinner for her.

When you do this she sees the kindness in your heart and she will want to reciprocate it with her love.

Give her your undivided attention

When you give her your undivided attention, she will feel more special and appreciated. Do not let your phone interrupt or take away from the quality time that you are sharing.

Empathize and Listen

Empathy is a key element in any relationship. When you empathize with your partner you are able to put yourself in their shoes and understand how they feel better. You can try to imagine what she might be going through instead of focusing on your own feelings.

Listen when she talks as well as ask questions to make sure you understood what she is saying. This shows her that you are interested in what she has to say and not just the words coming out of her mouth.

When you practice empathy, your partner will feel more loved because you are making an effort to understand how they feel better instead of taking no interest or becoming self-absorbed.

Other Kindness ideas

Show Physical affection

Physical affection is a great way to show your loved one that you care. You can hold hands, hug or kiss her on the cheek just because you want to say that you love her and appreciate her being in your life.

When she feels your love for her through physical touch, she will feel a bond with you and this will bring two people closer together.

person hugging woman by her back on wooden bridge

Give her some time to herself every once in a while

When you give your loved one some time alone, it can be very beneficial for both of you. It gives her the chance to rejuvenate and refresh her mind which will let her come back feeling happier and more positive towards you.

This also allows your partner to be independent and explore her interests, which is good for the relationship.

Treat her like a princess

Being treated like a princess by your partner tells her that she means the world to you and she is important to you. This lets her know that she doesn’t have to do or give anything in return because there is no greater gift than hearing that you are cherished and loved unconditionally.


Love, physical attraction, and communication are just a few important aspects of a relationship. Practicing kindness will help increase the trust between a couple. You will see your relationship improve and increased love and positivity amongst each other.

Kindness quotes

Without tenderness, a man is uninteresting – Marline Dietrich

Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much – Blaise Pascal

Kindness costs nothing but means everything – Baz Gale

Join our 30-day Kindness challenge today! If you want to spread positivity and improve your relationship

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